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I am traveling to Ethiopia in hopes to volunteer/intern with any NGO looking for a dedicated, passionate hard worker. I want to get my feet wet before I commit to the Peace Corps for 2yrs, I thought what better place to gain that experience than back home.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Final Count Down

By March 24th I will be off to embark on an exciting journey. First, I am off to Oman to visit family and then ETHIOPIA!I have no idea what to expect but, I am prepared to make this a memorable trip. As time winds down the grin on my face grows wider, I think the excitement is starting show....

More than anything I would like to come back speaking Amharic better than I do now, so until then I will listen to some amarigna music....

Song on repeat: Balageru
By: Gossaye & Ephreme
In a nutshell it means: No matter where you are you can always come back home, home is where the heart is