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I am traveling to Ethiopia in hopes to volunteer/intern with any NGO looking for a dedicated, passionate hard worker. I want to get my feet wet before I commit to the Peace Corps for 2yrs, I thought what better place to gain that experience than back home.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Delay at the Airport

Soooo I get to the Oman International Airport and I have a problem with my passport. Apparently when I crossed the border from UAE to Oman the person working the visas, stamped an entry AND an exit stamp on the same day. IDIOT! So I'm at the airport and the police take me to the side and question why I have been stamped out…ad here I am looking like a deer in headlights because I had no clue. I should have known something was up when the guy stamped my cousins as an exit too. All in all the officer said next time make sure you look at your passport before you leave. I will now.

And now I am stuck in Dubai airport because our plane was having technical difficulties. After checking-in, boarding and getting situated, they announced that we have to change flights. So, I finished my episode of Glee, got off the plane and now I'm waiting in the terminal drinking water and eating biscuits as they do a security check on the plane. Greatest day ever!! Oh and did I mention that I had to wake up at 2am to catch a 5am flight out of Muscat. I bid you good day!

The many faces of a camel
