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I am traveling to Ethiopia in hopes to volunteer/intern with any NGO looking for a dedicated, passionate hard worker. I want to get my feet wet before I commit to the Peace Corps for 2yrs, I thought what better place to gain that experience than back home.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Safely in Oman

After 14hrs. and 13,471km I finally landed in Dubai to catch my transfer flight. It felt more like five hours because I kept watching movies back to back - 5 movies total to be exact. I love Emirates Airlines! Everyone has their own touchscreen in front of their seat and can select any movie of their choice, as well as music and TV episodes. You could even view the cameras that were attached to the plane on the outside so you could see clouds for miles.
I thought that sitting in the middle row would suck but I was wrong. The elderly man who sat next to me, David, was very friendly and made it very clear that if I need to stand and/or go to the bathroom I could wake him up at any time. I'm glad he said that because I was chugging down cups of tea one after the other. I had the sweetest hostess, and Ethiopian woman named Tigist. She took me to the back and kept me company during the flight.

The airport in Dubai is really nice and very big. They even had a waterfall in the middle of the walking area, wow. There was a shopping area; Armani, Escada, and liquor galore.

1 comment:

Aida Wondwessen said...

Why is that airport so beautiful though!?! lol I'm glad you made it safely. I updated everyone on your status that you made it safe. lol