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I am traveling to Ethiopia in hopes to volunteer/intern with any NGO looking for a dedicated, passionate hard worker. I want to get my feet wet before I commit to the Peace Corps for 2yrs, I thought what better place to gain that experience than back home.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Stuck in Traffic......

...because we have to wait for them to MOVE

Some of the family I haven't seen in 10yrs

Traffic in Addis

No this was not in my backyard, this was one of the animals at Karibou Lodge

The cutest monkey ever and also the meanest monkey.

We were visiting family and took a picture with there cattle, these were the calves as you can see she was a little scared of what they were gonna do to her if she got too close

Let's play a game called ' I spy sattilite dishes'

This was a taxi I saw when we drove out of the city. Its so little

Construction everywhere you go. This is a house in progress

Nasty weather. It rains everyday and hailed once since I've been here. By the way this is the street I live on, it's a nice area

Cars and cattle crowd the streets of Addis Ababa.

Bole rd. their Time Square

Beautiful roads

Friendship mall....one of the many malls


Phil said...

Good pics, you were right about the construction thing.

Unknown said...

hey sis nice pics........during the baby shower i told yo mom i talked to u and she like huh why did u not tell me! lol i was like i didnt even kno u were here lol.......good times, hurry back i kno phil misses u alot and u kno yo big bro misses yo dark ass too! first yonas, now u! i hate both of ya lol

Aida said...

I don't know if my last comment posted-- what I said was, did you get the interview with Save the Children, and if so, how did it go? We miss you terribly-- graduation is in 2 weeks! Ahh!
